A rainbow baby is a term for a child born to a family that has previously lost one or more children due to stillbirth, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, termination for medical reasons, or death during infancy.
The name “rainbow baby” comes from the idea of a rainbow appearing in the sky after a storm, or after a dark and turbulent time. The term has gained popularity on blogs and social media in recent years, and has come to symbolize hope and healing.
Kaiden was born a year after the loss of his sister Jordyn. He's curious, fearless, and full of love. It was only fitting that in honor of his sister's memory, that this project bearing his name be a blessing to others.
“I’m almost speechless when I think about what the JW House and the Ronald McDonald House has done for Justin and I. The JW House made it possible for us to be with Jordyn, and the Ronald McDonald House allowed us to be near her during her final hours…”
-Desiree Marie Reyes
This statement reminded the fonder, "Jaz," of the time when he was visiting his son Justin and Desiree at a Patient-Family Housing facility. While sitting with his family, he overhead a couple discussing whether they should use their funds to buy food or for gas to visit their child in a nearby hospital. This is a discussion that no parent should need to have at such a difficult time in the life of their little one
Kaiden's Wish is design to provide additional assistance to Patient-Family Housing facilities and the families that stay there while their loved ones are being treated at nearby hospitals. Your support will provide these families with meal and transportation vouchers as well as support these facilities with other needed items.
You may also want to consider becoming one of our Guardian Angels by supporting this project with a monthly contribution.
Twenty-Five percent of all donations to a JG Project goes into a general account for overall expenses. Remember, every gift makes a huge difference regardless of the size of the contribution.
Jordyn’s Gift will be reaching out to other businesses in the community to help make a difference during a critical time in these families lives.
Be sure to like us on Facebook - Kaiden's Wish (www.facebook.com/kaidenswish) and Jordyn's Gift (www.facebook.com/jordynsgift)
Jordyn's Gift and the staff of the Kaiden's Wish project want to thank you for your kindness and support.